Advanced Water Mist Fire Protection
Systems Worldwide.

Advanced Water Mist Fire Protection Systems Worldwide

We pride ourselves in offering flexible, quality assured, approved water mist fire protection solutions to a growing list of international customers. Our services include design, plan approval, equipment supply, start-up & commissioning, international warranties and a lifetime provision of service and aftersales.


Marine fire protection
Cruise ships, Ro-Ro, Ro-Pax, tankers, naval vessels, historic ships, special purpose vessels, luxury yachts.  
Land fire protection
Hotels, commercial offices, shopping malls, schools, historic buildings, museums, restaurants, care homes, hospitals, power plants, tunnels.  
Offshore fire protection
Machinery space, engine rooms, gas turbine enclosures, power generator transformers, acumulator units, control rooms.  
Rolling Stock
Rolling Stock fire protection
Single and double decks trains, high-speed trains, locomotives, metro lines.
Vehicles fire protection
Buses, heavy transport, trucks, industry machines

Ultra Fog provides service and aftersales direct and through a few carefully selectedand trained autorized service providers. Ultra Fog strongly recommends that its customers doublecheck the validity of any service providers claiming to be authorized by Ultra Fog by contacting:

global service:
global sale:


Ultra Fog Sponsors the 22nd Annual FPRS Conference 2025

POSTED: 21.02.2025

Ultra Fog is proud to be a sponsor of the 22nd Annual Fire Protection of Rolling Stock Conference, taking place on February 25-26, 2025, at SO/ VIENNA Hotel in Austria.This…
Ultra Fog at PowerGen International 2025!

POSTED: 04.02.2025

Ultra Fog is excited to be part of PowerGen International 2025, the leading event for power generation professionals, taking place February 11–13 in Dallas, USA.Thanks to the generous support of…
Ultra Fog at PACC India – Proud Platinum Partner

POSTED: 31.01.2025

We are pleased to announce that Ultra Fog is the Platinum Partner of PACC India, a key industry event dedicated to fire safety and protection. This event provides an opportunity…

30 Years of experience

Thousands realized projects

Millions of lives kept safe